Arrive strives to be a completely financially transparent organization. Arrive is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization; EIN #: 46-2565243. Click the link below to read the 501(c)3 status confirmation letter sent by the IRS.
501(c)3 Status Confirmation Letter
In the interest of transparency, please refer to the links below for a full breakdown of revenue and expenses in 2015. Additionally, please find Arrive's 2015 IRS Form 990 EZ below.
In the interest of transparency, please refer to the links below for a full breakdown of revenue and expenses in 2014. Additionally, please find Arrive's 2014 IRS Form 990 EZ below.
For our first year of operation, the fiscal year of 2013, Arrive filed 990-N forms with the IRS because total revenue was under $50,000.