FREQUENTLY Asked Questions (and answers)
When did you start?
This could be a totally deserted structure or a small town along our route.
We walked across Kenya from 3/31/2019 - 4/29/2019. We walked across Uganda and Rwanda from 6/26/2019 - 7/20/2019.
How far was the walk and where was your route?
Click here for the map, days, miles, and elevation gain.
How did you navigate?
We used Google Maps to navigate and to spot villages and towns along our route. Many times the towns were too small to show up on Google Maps, so we switched to Satellite View. In Satellite View we were able to see the reflection of metal roofs indicating structures and villages. We did not know if the village still existed or if it was deserted.
Did you use any other forms of transport?
No - we walked the entire distance (then used a bus to travel home to Uriri, the center for Arrive Kenya).
Did anyone join you?
Yes! We had visitors from the USA walk with us but most often we had locals who were already walking to get somewhere (like church or school) and would join us for miles at a time. This included students, parents, herders, and more.
One day in Uganda a young, barefoot street boy followed us for many miles in silence. The story of Z can be found on Instagram @thewalkafrica in a post from 6/28/2019.
Was it safe?
We never felt in danger from people, disease, or wildlife. One night we slept in a small metal structure and could hear a very large leopard purring and stalking prey just outside.
Where did you sleep?
We carried tents and slept in fields or in the lawns of local people we met along the way. If we made it to a larger town, we would sleep in a guest house for $1.00 - $4.00 per night. If we were lucky, these guest houses would have a bucket of water for us to shower. If we were unlucky, these guest houses would smell like sewage and have fleas in the bed sheets.
What food did you eat?
Our main food was beans. In Kenya we ate rice, beans, and kale. In Uganda we ate beans and matoke - boiled indigenous bananas. Everyday we ate a variety of local fruits and vegetables like passion fruit, corn, and potatoes. We also enjoyed street food along the way - one of our favorites was deep- fried casava.
What did you take with you?
Visit the Gear page for the full list of items we took with us.
Did you have a sponsor?
The Pressure Positive Company sponsored us and paid for the costs of our walk across Kenya. We did not have a sponsor for our walk across Uganda and Rwanda. We are seeking a sponsor for our walk across Tanzania; please email us at for more information.
Laundry is drying as we walk.
How did you do laundry?
We washed our clothes with soap and water in a bucket, then strapped them to the outside of our packs to dry in the sun.
How can we follow along?
For daily updates from The Walk Africa expedition, follow @thewalkafrica on Instagram.
To contact the Team, email before or during the expedition.